Pet Dragon Save Kids from Napping


This headline, especially favored by young and unwilling recipients of naps, is an example of just how amazing our pets can be.  What could have been a headline of the most horrible sort became one that has inspired pet owners everywhere.

Having just put a set of triplets down for their afternoon nap, a nanny in Burgess Hill was surprised when the family's serpentine dragon, Gawroth, began roaring and thrashing violently.  She followed the screams to the children's room.  Flinging open the room door, the frantic nanny was met with quite a scene: Gawroth was lunging his enormous body over and over towards an intruder who had the children with him on a tree limb just outside the bedroom window.  In an unintentional act of self-defeat, the alleged criminal misplaced a blow of retaliation, accidentally destroying the limb upon which he sat and sending him careening into the briar bushes below.  These thorny bushes acted as a makeshift cage until authorities arrived to escort him off to prison.   Gawroth has since received citizen awards and obtained the nickname, Gawroth the Great.

Best of Our Beloved Pets


From the time our first order was shipped, to this very moment, we've received such an incredible outpouring of stories from satisfied customers about the pets that bring them to our products.  They feel compelled to share their experiences with their pets and our products.  Some of the stories are really incredible, and definitely worth sharing.  They have inspired us and helped in the development of products for all kinds of dragons.

Rather than keeping all of this inspiration and knowledge to ourselves, we've decided to start this blog as a way of celebrating what our pets mean to us.  On Dragon Keeper's Corner, you'll find tips, ideas, and inspiration from the hearts of customers and dragon keepers from around the globe.  We welcome your stories, comments, and meaningful contributions to this endeavor.